

This week we discussed active parenting and the role that it plays in our children’s lives. Parents should be involved actively in their children’s lives. Over the course of the semester I’ve learned about various styles of parenting such as active parenting, passive parenting, etc. When a person has a child, they ought to take an active role in their life and be mindful of what kind of person they’re being raised into. That being said, parenting should be done intentionally and not without purpose. This means that the parents should have planned together what they’re going to do and how they’ll do it.   Children and people in general have instinctive needs that if not met, they find other ways to try to meet them. These needs are as follows: Contact and Belonging – having physical touch and felling that you have a place wehre you belong.   Power – Having control over things in your life and what you do.   Protection – feeling safe and secrure in your environment and in rel





Family Culture

The Boundaries that Make Us Whole

Family Trends and Where They're Going
